Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 1

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When your stretchy pants become too tight, your spiritual life may be too loose!!!

Don't let the title confuse or insult you. Not all overweight people struggle with thier spiritual walk. However, I have found that my spiritual walk with God is directly associated to how much I weigh.

Okay so this is it, day one. I am looking forward to the results but I know it is going to take hard work getting back to where I was.  Day 1 is always a good day. I'm on fire at the gym and feel great about what I am going to accomplish. What I do know is that it gets hard. If this is the best day, what will I do when I get to the day when I want to throw in the towel? Daunting, I know. I have done a "Meal Plan" before, and I know how mental it can get. I have a FEAR of failure. I have failed at this again and again. FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real. -Joyce Meyers.

It's not about the food for me. I love healthy food, and obviously eat way too much of it! For me it is about overcoming this lie satin has fed me through my love of food. "You are such a good cook, you will never be fit and trim with all you eat", " You worked out hard, you deserve it". Well this time I am going to overcome this battle because he overcame the grave. Singing a song Sunday at church I realized what God was telling me. "Break every chain", the song goes, and he has, and he will. Some struggle with other sin natures, but this is the one that I must go through to draw closer to God. For you maybe it's watching too much TV, not spending enough time with family, spending too much money, or some other thing that has become your IDOL. If there is anything you love more than God, it has become an idol. Let it go and give it to God and he will help you overcome.

I have realized that I enjoy cooking and eating my cooking more than I do spending time in the Word. I need discipline to get up and get my bible or study book out before I do anything else. God will take care of the rest if I am walking in the spirit living out his Words. Don't let guilt of the past take over and discourage you, it is never too late to give your life and body over to God. It's his anyway and you are only paying to lease it.

 Be prepared that when you step out of your comfort zone, the enemy will throw crazy challenges at you. People will question you and your reasoning behind it.  You are going to need faith in God that he will see it through. It's not about the end results, it's about how you got there. If your goals are shallow then the results will be shallow ( Made to Crave). I have prepared and have a great support system of strong spirit lead women. My friend will be doing this with me, thank God, power in numbers. We are sharing tips, working out together, texting, keeping each other accountable, and praying together.

So my goal, body wise, is 145lb. and 20% body fat.
Plan to WOD 3 days a week and cardio 2 days a week, plus family walks at night.
6 small meals a day, and 1 gallon or more of water.

Prayers welcome as I go day by day, hour by hour along this journey.

5:30am Alarm
5:40 get out of bed
5:45 Make coffee
6:00 Time reading my bible study
6:30 Breakfast Meal1 and getting ready to go
7:30 WOD
10:00 snack Meal2
12:30 Lunch Meal3
1:00 Chores and stuff
2:00 snack Meal4
4:00 snack Meal5
5:00 Make dinner for family
6:00 Dinner Meal6

Meal 1 (I added a tiny bit of creamer and stevia) 2 eggs, 1/4 cup oat bran with water and 1 scoop of protein powder mixed in. 1 Tbsp Flax and cinnamon.

 Meal 2 1 Cup Kale, 4 oz grilled chicken.                                      
 Meal 3 1 cup coconut milk 4 oz water and 1 scoop protein powder
Meal 4 1 cup broccoli 4 oz chicken (I have had 70 oz. water so far today.)               
Meal 5 1 can low sodium tuna, 2 handfulls of spinach. 2 Tbsp of  lemmon juice dijon mustard fresh garlic apple cider vinegar dressing.
 Meal 6 4 oz applesauce meat loaf muffins, 1/2 cup Quinoa, 1 cup roasted carrots.

I did it, I made it through day one!!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! Good job!! The food looks really good too :) Great wod-ing with you this am!!

